Adult & Continuing Education Chronicles

Continuous Growth
Students work hard both in and outside of class to improve their skills.  Both teachers and classmates celebrate every student's success.  As students increase their English-speaking skills, they have the opportunity to speak in front of their class and present on different topics.  These presentations are another way to celebrate student achievement.  Warren ACE provides a welcoming and engaging environment that allows for continuous student growth in all its programs.  #WarrenWill
New HSE Graduates
Congratulations to Rakeem Robinson and Draken Mogollon on earning their High School Equivalency diploma.  These pictures are worth a thousand words.  Warren ACE is proud to be a part of their educational journeys.  "Go into the world and do well.  But more importantly, go into the world and do good." ~ Minor Myers Jr. 🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓
Adult Education Makes a Difference
Did you know that in 2021-22, Indiana had almost 20,000 adult learners enrolled in High School Equivalency Classes, Career Training, or English Classes?  Adult Education is making a difference across the state.  Indiana is ranked number one in Learner Achievement across the country.  Warren Adult & Continuing Education is proud to serve its community and help students reach their goals.  #AdultEd #MoveAheadwithAdultEd #IndianaAdultEducation

                                                                       April 14th - Black & Gold Gala
                                                           April 15th - Warren Pride Clean-Up Day
                                                                        April 17th - ML Orientation
                                                                April 19th - School Board Meeting
                                                               April 24th & 25th - ABE Orientation
                                                    April 25th - Referendum Community Forum