Preparing for the HiSET Exam
Students at dormakaba are not only preparing to take the CLAS-E post-test, but they are also preparing to take the HiSET exam in Spanish. The students are working together and teaching each other using practice questions and resources aligned with the exam. Thank you to dormakaba for partnering with Warren Adult & Continuing Education to give these employees this fantastic opportunity.
Citizenship Support
This week students had the opportunity to attend a presentation regarding citizenship. Attorney Jim Gutting explained to process of becoming a United States citizen and answered the students' questions. He also provided the contact information for Indiana Legal Services and the Coalition For Our Immigrant Neighbors. Warren ACE is grateful for Mr. Gutting's willingness to assist the students and members of the Warren community.
Calculator Around the World
Students in Ms. Smith's class participated in an activity called Calculator Around the World this past week. As students prepare to take the HiSET math exam, they must learn how to use the TI-30XS MultiView scientific calculator. This activity helps the students learn how to use all the different functions the calculator has to offer. Students solve problems displayed around the room and when completed successfully, will return to where they started. This activity not only teaches the students but is engaging as well.
May 17th - School Board Meeting
May 18th - District Family Literacy Night
May 18th - Flag Day/University Day (Haiti)
May 22nd & 23rd - ABE Orientation
May 29th - Memorial Day (No School)
June 15th - Adult Education Graduation Ceremony