Amazon WEI
One of Warren's newer partnerships is with Amazon. Employees wanting to improve their English-speaking skills attend classes at all levels. This week, the program celebrated this partnership by taking pictures of all the Amazon employees in the morning and evening classes. Warren ACE and Amazon look forward to increasing this WEI by enrolling more students next semester.
Class Celebrations
It is the end of December and the first semester at Warren Adult & Continuing Education. The classes celebrated with food, games, and lots of laughs. Students were introduced to White Elephant Gift Exchanges for the first time. It was a wonderful week to celebrate everyone's hard work and success! December 25 through January 5 - Winter Break
January 8 - Classes Resume
January 15 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No Classes)
January 22 & 23 - ABE Orientation

ACE Weekly Update for December 22, 2023
December 22, 2023