Post-Testing Underway
The mission of Warren Adult and Continuing Education is to empower adults to become successful community members by delivering quality academic and career training. To measure the growth of the students, the program gives students a post-test at determined instructional intervals. Over the past three weeks, almost 400 students took a post-test. Many students achieved a measurable skill gain and will celebrate their accomplishments during class celebrations the week before spring break.
New HSE Graduates
Congratulations to Moises Rivera-Lopez, Maria Cuautle-Cuautle, Jamar Williams, Maria Sizemore, and Hannier Lopez. These five students achieved their goal of earning a High School Equivalency diploma. Moises now attends the welding training class held at Walker Career Center. Maria Cuautle-Cuautle is grateful for her teachers and the extra assistance they provided. Hannier thanks Warren for helping him improve his English-speaking skills and earn his HSE. Maria Sizemore and Jamar earned their HSE through the Graduate on Time (GoT) program and appreciate having an alternate path to graduation.
CNA Class Update
The students in the CNA class concluded their training this week. They completed classroom hours in the medical skills lab at Highlander Park and their clinical hours at Rosewalk. All of the students earned their CPR certification, too. Good luck to each of them as they prepare for the state exam in the upcoming weeks.
March 10 - Daylight Saving Time Begins
March 11 & 12 - ML Orientation
March 25 to April 5 - Spring Intersession (No Classes)
April 8 - Solar Eclipse