ACE Weekly Update

Recruitment Fair

Last week, Highlander Park hosted Warren Township's Support Staff Recruitment Fair. This was an incredible opportunity for Warren ACE's students to engage with the human resources team and strengthen their communication skills with potential employers. The event was successful and many students expressed interest in working for the school corporation.

ML Orientation

Warren Adult and Continuing Education held its final ML Orientation for the program year. Almost 200 students attended one of the four sessions, learned about the program's expectations, toured the building, observed current classes, and participated in icebreaker activities. Congratulations to Ms. Marcia Bridges for overseeing this first orientation in her new role at Highlander Park. The new students will begin classes after Spring Break. 

Awards and Celebrations

The classes celebrated their students' achievements this week and the end of the third quarter. Class festivities included awarding certificates of achievement, presentations of "All About Me" projects, and pitch-ins with many delicious foods. Many students will move to a new class when classes resume on April 9.

March 25 to April 5 - Spring Intersession (No Classes)
April 8 - Solar Eclipse (No Classes)

April 9 - Classes Resume

April 9 & 10 - ABE Orientation