Welding Training Class
In January, Warren Adult & Continuing Education began its new welding class located at the Walker Career Center. This class is a 12-week course that meets on Mondays and Wednesdays and is instructed by Gabby Mitchell. Students are learning MIG, or Metal Inert Gas. Welding, and will take their certification exam in April. New HSE Graduates Congratulations to Robert Banks and Brittine Smith, two of Warren Adult & Continuing Education's newest graduates. "When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let go." ~ Carol Burnett 🎓🎓 Classes in Action If anyone walks through the hallways of Highlander Park, he or she will witness great teaching and learning in action. Students are practicing their speaking skills, improving their digital skills, and preparing for both post-tests and the HiSET exam. #WarrenWill #AdultEd BY Construction Training Last week the class had an employer presentation from a member of C.E. Reeve Roofing, A Tecta America Company. The students learned great information about future employment opportunities in the roofing industry.
February 14th - Valentine's Day
February 15th - Adult Education Day at the State House
February 20th - Presidents' Day (No Classes)
February 20th to 21st - Carnival (Venezuela)
February 21st & 22nd - ABE Orientation
March 13th & 14th - ABE Orientation
March 20th - ML Orientation